Lesson “Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.” Lesson on the topic “Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils” Summary of extracurricular activities

Conversation “Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils”

Goal: education of positive personality traits.

Objectives: to reveal the meaning and value of work in human life.

Correct and develop their memory processes, visual and auditory attention, imagination, thinking, speech, creative abilities through reading poems and dramatizations.

Fostering hard work, diligence, and responsibility.

Vocabulary work: hard worker, hard work.

Equipment: drawings about labor, ICT, exhibition of books about labor, task cards, attributes for the performance, musical accompaniment.

Preliminary work: reading poems, stories about work by K. D. Ushinsky “Two Plows”, E. Permyak “The Golden Nail”, K. D. Ushinsky How a Shirt Grew in the Field”, conversation “Proverbs and sayings about work, game “Say” vice versa"

Hello guys, dear guests, colleagues. I'm glad to see everyone. Guys, say hello to the guests, smile, let a good mood be present in class today.

II Introductory conversation

Educator: listen carefully to the poem

The table you're sitting at

The bed you sleep in

notebook, boots, pair of skis

plate, fork, knife.

And every slice of bread -

All this was created by labor,

But it didn't fall from the sky.

For everything that was created for us

We are grateful to the people

The time will come, the hour will come,

And we will work.

Educator: what is this poem about?

Answers: about work.

Educator: Correct. This poem is dedicated to work. Today in class we will talk about work

III Slide 1

Educator: Read the topic of the lesson.

Children read:

“Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him”

Educator: how do you understand this proverb?

Answers: a person who works will earn money, but a lazy person does nothing.

Educator: read.

Labor is a type of activity, the result of which is fixed in material and spiritual values.

Diligence is the love of work, a moral quality manifested in the desire to work.

Hardworking ---loving to work

Laziness—lack of desire to work, tendency to idleness.

Educator: Listen to the story of K, D, Ushinsky “Two Plows”

Reading a story (student reads)

Two plows were made from the same piece of iron and in the same workshop. One of them fell into the hands of a farmer and immediately went to work, while the other spent a long time and completely uselessly in the merchant’s shop.

It happened some time later that both fellow countrymen met again. The farmer's plow shone like silver and was even better than when he had just left the workshop; the plow, which lay idle in the shop, darkened and became covered with rust.

Summary of extracurricular activities

Direction of extracurricular activities: spiritual and moral

Subject:“Work feeds, but laziness spoils.”

Class: 3

Target:summarize children's knowledge about work and laziness in proverbs and sayings.


Educational: pexpand the information base of students, familiarize themselves with the treasuries of universal human culture, clarify and expand the stock of specific ideas on this topic; promote the development of perception, attention, logical thinking and memory, using poems, proverbs, sayings.

Educational: develop logical mental operations and oral speech in younger schoolchildren.

Educational:instill a love for oral folk art; to develop feelings of collectivism, mutual assistance, and a friendly attitude towards guests and each other; improve the ability to listen carefully to adults and their comrades.


Cognitive – search for the necessary information to complete an educational task using educational literature, highlight the problem, make comparisons, analogies, establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Regulatory – accept the assigned task of cognitive activity; evaluate cognitive activity in accordance with the task;

Communication - the ability to listen and understand others; formulate one’s own opinion, give reasons for it, negotiate and come to a common solution when discussing a problem together.

mastery of dialogic and monologue speech.

Personal: evaluate the correctness of actions, carry out final control based on the results of the task

Learning tools (Internet resources): presentation, projector, teaching material (cards).


1. Introductory part (motivation and actualization of cognitive activity)

- Hello guys. I am very pleased to see you all in class. You are all in a good mood. I hope that you will work well in class, that you will be attentive and active.

Listen carefully to the poem and tell me what is it about?

The table you're sitting at
The bed you sleep in
Notebook, boots, pair of skis,
Plate, fork, knife...
And every nail, and every house,
And every slice of bread -
All this was created by labor,
But it didn't fall from the sky.
For everything that was created for us,
We are grateful to the people.
The time will come, the hour will come,
And we will work.

What is the poem about?

Look at the photographs.

People, what professions do you see in them?

What unites these people?

Who guessed what we will talk about in class?

Let's read the topic of the lesson: “Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils”

How do you understand this proverb?

Okay, well done.

Greetings from the teachers.

About labor

They answer.

These people work and do certain jobs.

About labor

A person who works will earn money and learn something, but a lazy person does nothing.

2. Main part of the lesson(10 minutes)

During our lesson the words presented on the slide will be used frequently. What do these words mean?


Hard work



- I want to start our conversation with a short story by K.D. Ushinsky, which is called “Two Plows”. Listen carefully. What is this story about?

Two plows"

Two plows were made from the same piece of iron in the same workshop. One of them fell into the hands of a farmer and immediately went to work; and the other lay for a long time and completely uselessly in the merchant’s shop. It happened some time later that both fellow countrymen met again. The plow that the farmer had shone like silver and was even better than when he had just left the workshop; the plow, which lay idle in the shop, darkened and became covered with rust.

Tell me please, why do you shine so much? – the rusty plow asked his old acquaintance.

From work, my dear,” he answered.

“And if you got rusty and became worse than you were, it’s because all this time you lay on your side, doing nothing.”

What is this story about?

Why did the plow that came to the farmer shine like silver?

What happened to the plow that lay idle?

Who do you think this story is about? Who does Ushinsky mean when he talks about plows?

What conclusion can be drawn after listening to the story?

Children, proverbs are written on the board. What proverb do you think fits this tale? Why?





Guys, you all read stories, fairy tales. Name me works that tell about hardworking and lazy heroes?

How do you treat lazy people? - Why?

- What does work give to a person?

- Nowadays, a person in society is valued by his work. Work is a source of joy and pleasure. Human well-being depends on work. We know how happy people are who can do a lot with their own hands, and how unhappy and helpless those who have learned nothing are.

Now I will give each of you pieces of paper on which the qualities of a person are written. You need to mark “+” those qualities that a hardworking person should have.




    The ability to force yourself


    Ability to work

- Among the Russian people, children were taught to work from early childhood. Proverbs and sayings about labor acted as rules of labor behavior. Now we will check how well you know the proverbs about work.

Game “Say the proverb”.

    See trees in fruit, and people......

    Patience and work....

    Under a lying stone.....

    Small matter....

    Don't rush your tongue...

    Do you like to ride - .....

    It's time....

    Look for a bride not in a round dance......

    A person gets sick from laziness, but...

    The lazy Fedorka always has.....

    Slacker, what a barren.....

Now read the proverb and explain its meaning.

Don’t sit idly by – there will be no boredom.

If there was a desire, the work would go well.

Physical exercise.

Let's try to solve the crossword puzzle and find out where the lazy person was driven under the lash.

What scares a lazy person more when he has to wash his face in the morning?

Which assessment is most often included in a quitter's diary?

What state does a lazy person like most?

What is the main character trait of a lazy person?

What replaces a bed for a lazy person in a lesson?

So where do they drive lazy people under the lash?

-That's right, guys.

Lazy schoolchildren are bored in class and do not study well. They do not want to carry out any assignments, they do not like to write neatly in notebooks, or read books. They do not cultivate the habit of working and helping others in business. Lazy children want to live the way one student dreamed about it from B. Zakhoder’s poem “Petya Dreams.”

If soap came
In the mornings to my bed
And it would wash me itself,
That would be nice!
If only books and notebooks
Learned to be okay
They knew all their places -
That would be beauty!
If only life would come then!
Know, take a walk, and relax!
Mom would stop here too,
Saying that I'm lazy!

Tell me, will Petya's dreams ever come true? Why?

Show a picture of a room where everything is neatly tidied.

What kind of people live here?

Good owners have a warm, hospitable, cozy home. You always want to come to such a house because it has a friendly atmosphere. Probably every person strives to have such a home. Anyone can achieve this, but the bricks of your house must be laid now. He who has learned to do many things himself will never be a burden to others and will not find himself helpless.

Make up the rules for a hardworking student.

They perceive.

- a type of activity, the result of which is enshrined in material and spiritual values.

– love of work, moral quality, manifested in the desire to work.

- loves to work.

– lack of desire to act, to work, tendency to idleness.

Perceive, analyze.

-About work and laziness.

Because he worked

It turned dark and rusty

The hard worker and the lazy one

A person’s work makes him beautiful, but idleness disfigures him. Only in work can you show all your best qualities. Without labor, a person will become rusty and get sick.

Fairy tales “Morozko”, “Cinderella”, “Two Frosts”, E. Permyak “Pichugin Bridge”

They are not loved. Lazy people want to drink, eat, and dress, but they do not like to do it with their own labor. This means others are working for him.

Work gives joy, prosperity, health. If you work hard, they will treat you well

Complete the task

Keep an eye on things

Everything will be crushed

And the water doesn't flow

Better than a lot of idleness

Hurry up

Love to carry sleighs too

Fun time

And in the garden

Work makes you healthier


If we do something, time will pass quickly and we will not be bored.

You need to take on any work with desire and then everything will work out.

Guess the crossword puzzle

No, because a person needs to do everything himself: wash, work, then everything will be fine.

Neat, hardworking.

Make up.

1. Make your bed beautifully and do it every morning.

2. After class, put books and other school supplies back in their place.

3. If you make a mess, collect the trash and wipe off the dust.

4. Keep your things and shoes clean.

3. Final part (reflection of cognitive activity)(2 minutes.)

Our lesson has come to an end.

What did you like most?

What tasks did you find difficult?

I hope you learned something new in today’s lesson and will be able to apply what you have learned in the future.

All great fellows. Thanks for the activity!

Perform reflection on cognitive activity.

Teachers answer questions and express their opinions.

Lesson notes for the senior group

“Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him.”


1. Enrich the understanding of people of different professions and their moral qualities. Develop independence in games.

2. Foster respect for adults and a value-based attitude towards human work.

Materials: demonstration pictures depicting people of different professions; diagrams for writing descriptive stories; ball; flag, items for the organizational moment - scissors, hair dryer, ladle, pan, scissors, thread with a needle, brush, paints, thermometer, syringe, spatula, candy, scales, guitar, pipe.

Previous work:

Conversations “Professions of our mothers”, “Professions of our fathers”, “What I dream of becoming”.

Progress of the lesson:


2. Conversation.

Educator: What is the name of our country?

Children: Russia.

Educator: What can you say about our country?

Children: Rich, beautiful, big.

Educator: Who makes our country big, beautiful, rich?

Children: Working people, people of different professions.

Educator: What is a profession?

Children: This is the main occupation of a person, his work activity.

Educator: What do you need to get a profession?

Children: Study well, know and be able to do a lot, finish school, a special educational institution

Educator: Today we will go on a journey through the “city of professions”. To get to the “city of professions” we need to complete an attention task.

Game for attention “Who can name more professions”

(game with a flag in a circle)

Educator: Well done, you completed the task. Now let’s go to the “city of professions”:

3. Physical education lesson: “Pilot”

It’s good to be a driver (they run in circles, “steer”)

Better to be a pilot. (run in a circle, arms to the sides)

I would become a pilot

Let them teach me.

I pour gasoline into the tank, (they stop, “pour”)

I start the propeller: (circular movements with my right hand)

“Take the engine to heaven, (they run in a circle, arms to the sides).

So that the birds can sing."

Educator: Our planes have landed. So we found ourselves in the “city of professions”!

Game "Who wants..."

There are various objects on the table (hammer, scissors, needle and thread, ladle...)

Educator: Look, what a mess! Someone left objects.

Who needs these items? (People of different professions). Name them, what they are for and put them on the right picture. (Hairdresser, cook, seamstress, artist, doctor, salesman, musician).

Educator: I think who left the scissors? And what is the item needed for? etc.

Children take the objects one by one, name who needs them, and place them next to the pictures with professions.

Educator: Well done, you helped restore order in the “city of professions”, gave items to those who will need them in their work.

Educator: And now I propose to playgame "What will happen if..."

Will chefs stop preparing food?

Will doctors stop treating people?

Will teachers stop teaching children?

Will builders stop building houses?

Will all drivers refuse to get behind the wheel?

Will the police stop going to work?

4. Compiling a descriptive story about people’s professions according to the diagram.

Educator: Do you like riddles? Then guess mine:

Every day early in the morning

He takes the steering wheel in his hands

Twists and turns this way and that,

But he won't eat her.

Educator: I would like to listen to your riddles - descriptions of different professions. And to complete this task, you need to divide into groups (three people). Go to your desks. (Children sit at tables).

Educator: Guys, on your tables there are pictures depicting people of different professions. You need to talk about your profession without naming it, and we have to guess what profession you told us about. And to make the story accurate and complete, you can use a plan diagram. Educator: Let's remember what the pictures on the diagram mean:

1. Hand - what a person in this profession does.

2. Geometric shapes - what objects he needs for work.

3. Heart - what qualities a person in this profession should have.

Sample story: This man cuts people's hair and gives them beautiful, fashionable hairstyles. For work he needs: scissors, combs, hair dryer, curlers, perfume. He must be attentive, polite, neat.

Children's independent stories.

Educator: Well done, you did a good job. I really liked your stories.

5. Review of the manual “What did the artist mix up?”

Educator: While we were playing, the Cheerful artist came to us, he brought you a picture depicting people of different professions. But it seems to me that there is something wrong with this picture?

Let's explain what the artist got wrong. (Children's answers)

6. Proverbs about work.

Educator: Well done guys! Did you enjoy our trip? What do you remember most?

Don’t forget that all professions are important, all professions are needed.

Let's rememberproverbs about work.(Children answer)

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

He who knows how to work is not afraid of work.

Patience and a little effort.

You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

He who loves to work cannot sit idle.

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

  • Don't tell me you can't today...

  • Every slightest step on the field of free thinking...

  • I am me, and you equal my sins to your example....

  • In debt like silk...

  • I'm not upset if people don't understand me...

  • How many of them have fallen into this abyss that opens up in the distance!..

    So many of them fell into this abyss,
    I'll open it up in the distance!
    The day will come when I too will disappear
    From the surface of the earth.

    Everything that sang and fought will freeze,
    It shone and burst.
    And the green of my eyes and my gentle voice,
    And gold hair.

    And there will be life with its daily bread,
    With the forgetfulness of the day.
    And everything will be as if under the sky
    And I wasn’t there!

    Changeable, like children, in every mine,
    And so angry for a short time,
    Who loved the hour when there was wood in the fireplace
    They become ash.

    Cello, and cavalcades in the thicket,
    And the bell in the village...
    - Me, so alive and real
    On the gentle earth!

    To all of you - what to me, who knew no limits in anything,
    Strangers and our own?!
    I make a demand for faith
    And asking for love.

    And day and night, and in writing and orally:
    For the truth, yes and no,
    Because I feel too sad so often
    And only twenty years

    For the fact that it is a direct inevitability for me -
    Forgiveness of grievances
    For all my unbridled tenderness
    And look too proud

    For the speed of rapid events,
    For the truth, for the game...
    - Listen! You still love me
    Because I'm going to die.

  • Folk wisdom has always been a “textbook” for the life of Russian people. The proverb “Laziness spoils, but labor feeds” did not stand aside either. Let's take a closer look at this phrase. Perhaps it will come in handy in life in the most desperate moments, when you are despondent and depressed. In addition, if a person overcomes both laziness and work, he will be able to look at life with different eyes. It is not for nothing that the Holy Scripture says that laziness completely spoils it.

    What is laziness, what is work?

    Laziness is the unwillingness to work mentally or physically. For example, a student tells his parents: “I’m too lazy to write an essay!” On the other hand, let’s say the wife lies down on the sofa with the thoughts: “Too lazy to cook dinner!” What mood will her life partner be in if he comes home and finds that there is no food? In this case, laziness spoils the wife.

    And work feeds a person (in the example of his wife). If a woman wants to cook a delicious meal, she will feed not only her husband, but also herself and her children. It’s the same with a student: if he writes an essay through “I don’t want”, then he will go to bed with a calm soul and in a good mood.

    Thus, labor is physical or mental work leading to the final result. As a result, a person’s life changes for the better.

    What will happen to a person if he is lazy?

    It is very important to understand what laziness can lead to. Surely many of you have noticed that no one respects a lazy person. And he practically doesn’t love himself (although he thinks the opposite).

    In addition, a lazy person’s home is unkempt, and the person himself may be sloppy. It is immediately obvious that laziness spoils a person. And work feeds those who are ready to step over the desire to take a break from all their affairs.

    Character and mood of a lazy person

    As a rule, laziness leads to despondency, depression and loss of meaning in life. A person spends time day after day in dreams, wastes away before our eyes and even gets sick. It is no coincidence that the proverb “Laziness spoils, but labor feeds” was coined. Indeed, it spoils a person primarily from the inside. The lazy man is not satisfied with his life; it seems to him that fate is not favorable to him.

    What will happen to the hardworking?

    If a lazy person started working, his life would change overnight. For example, a person constantly lies on the couch, does nothing. A lot of dust has accumulated in the room, the refrigerator is empty. In order for anything to change for the better, you need to get up, go to the grocery store, wash the floors, and wipe the dust. In this case, a person himself will understand that laziness spoils, a person’s work feeds, makes him happy, and gives him hope for a better and good mood.

    The character and worldview of a working person

    A hardworking person does not get tired of any work, both mental and physical. Having done the necessary things, he goes to bed with a clear conscience. Every day he makes plans for the day, carries them out, training his willpower. Accordingly, such a person is always in a good mood, has goals and aspirations. He has everything, everything he needs for well-being.

    In addition, people always turn to him for help, everyone respects him. And also the hardworking person receives much more benefits and wealth in life than he expects.

    How to overcome laziness?

    You know that laziness spoils and work feeds, but you still don’t want to do anything. How to proceed? It is advisable to remember moments in your life when something you did brought you joy. Usually in such cases a stimulus appears.

    In general, in order to do a good deed, you need to overcome yourself and overcome laziness. It is not for nothing that in the Orthodox Church laziness is considered a sin. This is what we need to fight against. If you can’t cope on your own, you should ask God for help.

    We wish you to have a love of work, a good mood, and that you achieve your goals, which are realized only through hard work and the desire to do good.