How to open a cafe from scratch: a ready-made cafe business plan. How to choose equipment for a cafe: basic requirements, recommendations and prices How to open your own cafe from scratch

  • Why a mini cafe?
  • Choosing a room for a cafe
  • Fixed expenses of the cafe
  • Step-by-step opening plan
        • Similar business ideas:

According to some representatives of the restaurant business, the most successful mini-cafes are those that sell fresh pastries and cakes. That is, products that are always in demand in such establishments. A good location and low prices are also important - the main criteria for the success of a mini-cafe.

Why a mini cafe?

Today, a common method of entering the restaurant business is to open a small, so-called mini-cafe. You can't think of a better option for a budding entrepreneur. Firstly, the popularity of public catering among the country's population is increasing every year. Secondly, the market is still ready to accept new players, despite high competition. Thirdly, to open a cafe you don’t need a wealth of experience and “bumps full of years of experience” - there are plenty of franchise offers in this area.

At the same time, there is no need to stand out with any exotic assortment. In establishments of this type, the main emphasis is on cold appetizers - salads, sandwiches, pizza. Hot items include soups, semi-finished products, desserts. Most of the prepared dishes are imported.

How much money do you need to open a mini-cafe?

According to economists' calculations, even a small cafe will require investments of at least 700 thousand rubles. And this despite the fact that the premises for the cafe are rented. Mandatory costs include:

  • Purchase of kitchen equipment and furniture. The most expensive elements are refrigeration equipment (150 thousand rubles), ventilation system (100 thousand rubles), tables and chairs (7 thousand rubles per seat), bar counter (70 thousand rubles). In total, this cost item will cost at least 500 thousand rubles. Read the article for more details: How to choose equipment for a cafe.
  • Repair and design of premises. The size of this article directly depends on the taste and wishes of the owner. You can make a modest layout for 200-300 thousand rubles, or you can spend several million to create a unique and unique interior.
  • Installation of automation programs and anti-theft systems - about 70-90 thousand rubles.
  • Purchasing an alcohol license (if required) - 60 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses, including the purchase of cash register equipment, specials. clothes - another about 40-50 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising and promotion of a cafe - about 30 thousand rubles.
  • It is recommended to put some of the funds into a reserve for the first months of possible work in the red. And in general, the savings at the start are not worth it. Some entrepreneurs manage to conclude a “rental holiday” agreement with the owner of the premises. This is when a cafe is given the opportunity to avoid paying rent for several months in order to have time to “get back on its feet.”

The issue of business planning is discussed in more detail in the article: Business plan for a small cafe.

Choosing a room for a cafe

Establishments such as small cafes, designed more for the casual visitor, are recommended to be located on the central streets of the city, on the first floors of houses with stained glass windows. The following indicators are important here:

  1. Passability of people. The presence of office and shopping centers and public transport stops plays a big role.
  2. The purpose of the premises is what object it was previously used for. It is good if the premises were previously used as a restaurant or cafe. In this case, no global redevelopment will be required, since the premises will already meet the requirements for public catering establishments (SES, fire safety). This, of course, will save quite a bit of the businessman’s money.
  3. Electricity connection power. If the permitted power is at least 75 kW, then this is quite enough to operate a full-cycle kitchen. If this figure is less, then the connection of additional capacities will be required, which is associated with considerable financial investments.
  4. Lease contract. The longer the term of the lease agreement, the better. Ideally, the lease agreement for a cafe premises should be drawn up for a period of at least 5 years. Since only in the first 1-2 years the cafe will recoup the invested funds, and the rest of the time brings the coveted income to the owner of the establishment. Agreements for a period of less than 12 months should not be considered at all, since such conditions will not allow obtaining a license to sell alcohol.
  5. If the cafe plans to sell alcohol, then such indicators as distance from residential buildings and social facilities are important. purpose - at least 25 m, and room area - at least 50 m2. Otherwise, obtaining a license will be impossible.

Which tax system to choose for a business when opening a mini-cafe

It is quite enough for a small establishment to register a regular individual entrepreneurship. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is the LLC (legal entity) that registers the “cafes”. The reason is simple - alcohol licenses are issued only to legal entities. By the way, about the license. The cost of obtaining an alcohol license is about 60 thousand rubles, and the time to obtain it takes at least 4 months.

Since 2013, public catering establishments have been given the right to choose which taxation system choose: general, simplified tax system, UTII or buy a patent. Which is more profitable? Today, perhaps, this is a special one. regime - a single tax on imputed income (UTII), when the tax is paid based on the square footage of the premises for serving visitors. The larger the area, the higher the tax.

Control over the activities of the cafe

The big advantage of a mini-cafe is that full control over its activities can be exercised personally by the owner of the establishment. The efficiency of the enterprise, in most cases, only increases from this. However, additional security against theft and loss is still necessary. This requires a set of measures, which includes:

  • cafe automation system;
  • video surveillance system;
  • regular scheduled and unscheduled inventories;
  • a fair system of employee motivation;
  • immediate dismissal of employees found stealing proceeds, even with the initiation of a criminal case.

Fixed expenses of the cafe

The main expense item of the cafe is payment of wages to employees and insurance payments. 200-250 thousand rubles are allocated monthly for these purposes. (15 people). In second place are rental payments and utilities - another 70-100 thousand rubles. monthly. Then there are taxes and other expenses - about 50 thousand rubles. Total monthly expenses of a small cafe range from 350-500 thousand rubles. Anything less will most likely not work.

How much can you earn by opening a mini-cafe?

The profitability of a cafe depends on many factors. As a rule, when drawing up a business plan, it is customary to calculate the profit of a cafe based on 15,000 rubles for every 10 m2 of area of ​​the establishment.

Let’s say that the cafe is visited by 40 people every day (this is an extremely low figure), and the average bill of the establishment is 400 rubles. Then the daily revenue will be 16 thousand rubles, and the monthly revenue will be 480 thousand rubles, which will already allow you to work with a slight plus.

According to experts, the payback period for a cafe is at least 1.5 years, and this is subject to a good location. A more likely period is about 3-4 years. The normal profitability of a business is considered to be 20-30%.

In conclusion, a few more tips. If the space for a cafe is very limited, it is better to install high display cases with a convenient window - this way you can optimally and appetizingly display all the products. It is desirable, however, that the design of the display cases allows visitors to freely select the dishes they like and pay at the checkout. Thus, time is saved on serving visitors and the workload of staff is significantly relieved.

Step-by-step opening plan

In order to open your own mini-cafe, you need to draw up a detailed business plan. First of all, you need to decide for yourself in what area your establishment will operate, be it national cuisine or a pizzeria; in addition, you need to know your target client and their approximate income level. In addition, you should definitely take into account the presence of competitors and engage in constant business analysis. Marketing will also be an important part of the business, and pre-opening advertising campaigns will get you off to a good start in the business. You definitely need to acquire all the necessary equipment and find the necessary suppliers with minimal financial costs so that the profit satisfies you as an entrepreneur. Do not forget that to open a business you need documentation, which you need to acquire even before the start of your activity.

What equipment to choose for a mini-cafe

In general, this type of establishment does not require much equipment, but it still plays a significant role. Depending on the theme of the establishment, it is necessary to contain a certain style. For example.

  1. If this is a national cuisine, then the design of the room may contain some of the national attributes.
  2. The pizzeria should have something Italian in its decoration.

In addition to the design itself, you also need equipment in the kitchen:

  • small household appliances (food processor);
  • large household appliances (gas stoves).

You should not skimp on equipment, as it is the key to quality food for your customers, who will come back again and again, and maybe bring friends if you feed them deliciously, which is precisely the secret recipe for success.

Which OKVED ID should I indicate when registering a mini cafe?

For mini-cafes, you can use the usual code for restaurants and cafes: 55.30.

What documents are needed to open

To open a mini-cafe you will need this list of documents:

  • confirmation of the possibility of using the premises as a cafe;
  • confirmation of registration with the tax office;
  • in case of sale of alcohol, a license is required;
  • certificate of absence of debts;
  • document confirming the lease of a plot of land;
  • book of reviews and suggestions;
  • KKM card;
  • a document confirming that an inspection was carried out by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

Do I need permission to open a mini-cafe?

Among the list of other documents, there is also permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service to open a cafe in the premises you rented.

So what do you need to open your own cafe? What should be the first steps of a beginning businessman? Are there specific recommendations to ensure that the chosen business option leads to the result that a novice entrepreneur is looking for? You will find answers to these questions in the article that we bring to your attention.

What is a cafe?

According to GOST R 50762-2007, a cafe is an enterprise whose main purpose is to organize food and recreation for visitors, provide a limited range of products, and sell specialty dishes, soft and alcoholic drinks.

Unlike a restaurant, a cafe has a smaller assortment of difficult-to-prepare dishes; the variety of alcoholic drinks in a cafe is significantly inferior to a restaurant.

What is needed to open a cafe?

Before opening a cafe, you need to work out the following points:

  • assortment of products, which, in turn, is divided into specialized, for example, pizzeria, ice cream, pancake, and non-specialized; cafes where preference is given to national cuisine (Japanese, Chinese, Italian);
  • what interests do the consumers served have - children's, art cafes, internet cafes, clubs;
  • location (public or residential buildings, hotels, recreation areas, sports and entertainment facilities);
  • form of service (self-service and waiters);
  • seasonality of cafe operation (seasonal and permanent);
  • the purpose and composition of the occupied premises can be mobile or stationary.

Necessary documents for opening a cafe

Where to start opening a cafe? With permits, of course.

    • Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor to locate the facility, which will confirm official consent to locate the cafe in the existing premises.
    • Obtaining permission from fire safety authorities. If you plan to open a cafe in a newly built building, then permission can be obtained immediately after the building is put into operation.
    • Availability of documents confirming that the establishment complies with sanitary standards.
      Obtaining permission from the chief physician of the sanitary and epidemiological station (SES) is carried out 10 days in advance, for this purpose it is necessary to submit the following necessary documents:
      – premises rental agreement; – conclusion on raw materials and finished products; – state registration certificate; – results of the medical examination passed by the staff.
    • Availability of a cafe license:

— for retail trade (valid for 1 year);

— for the sale of alcohol and tobacco products (subject to the sale of alcoholic beverages in cafes).

  • Obtaining a patent that allows you to carry out trading activities, the issuance of which is carried out by local governments.
  • Determination of the legal form of the establishment: individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), OJSC (open joint-stock company), LLC (limited liability company). A very important point is the definition of the taxation system (general and simplified system).

Requirements for the cafe premises

One of the determining factors for the success of a cafe is the premises in which it will be located. Considering the fact that a cafe usually operates in a low price category, a lot depends on the location of the cafe. The area of ​​the premises must be no less than 70 and no more than 200 sq.m.

Principles influencing the choice of the optimal location for a cafe:

  • the establishment should be as close as possible to the potential consumer, next to it there should be a residential area, facilities where a large number of people work, and recreation areas; plus the cafe should be within reach;
  • open economy-class cafes in residential areas; for expensive establishments, give preference to the city center, in buildings that enjoy prestige among citizens;
  • if the building you want to rent previously housed a cafe with a not very good reputation, which became famous for its unprofitability, then you should not settle on this option;
  • take into account the technical characteristics of the room. Estimated loads associated with the electrical network, water supply, heating, sewerage must comply with the stated requirements;
  • The following point should also be taken into account: is the building you have chosen not on the list of city planning authorities, would it turn out that it is subject to reconstruction or scrapping;
  • find out whether any redevelopment of the premises took place, whether the registration was properly completed, as required by law;
  • find out whether there is permission to place a cafe sign on the facade, and also find out about possible restrictions on placing advertising on the facade and shop windows.

What equipment is needed for a cafe?

In order for your cafe to function smoothly, you need to focus your attention on its high-quality equipment. When choosing, you should take into account both the reputation of the manufacturer and the availability of a warranty, thereby protecting yourself from huge expenses in the event of a breakdown. The list of cafe equipment can vary greatly depending on the type. But the basic set is the same for everyone.

Be prepared for the fact that an oven or convection oven will be the most expensive purchase. Since the main dishes served in the cafe are prepared from semi-finished products, only a powerful oven can bring them to full readiness. If possibilities allow, then it is best to purchase a device that includes several levels.

An essential attribute of a cafe kitchen is an electric stove. Don’t skimp on it; choose a multi-burner model, preferably one equipped with an oven.

Refrigerated display cases for ready meals. They should be both spacious and attractive in appearance. Purchasing vertical and horizontal showcases is the best option; you should not save on this.

The dispensing counter is a necessary element for the cafe interior. Its main quality is ease of washing and maintaining an attractive appearance.

Additional components include: coffee machine, frying surfaces, microwave oven, dough mixer, washing bath.


It is no coincidence that one of the most important roles in public catering is given to the selection of personnel. Waiters need not only to be neat and beautiful, but also to react very quickly to various situations and be able to calmly and professionally resolve any conflicts. What the dishes are called, what is included in them, what their price is - the waiter must know by heart. The bartender must have knowledge about the drinks he offers, this also applies to the price of their type, wine or beer.

The invisible flagship of your establishment is undoubtedly the chef. Thanks to his professional skills, the visitor will definitely want to return to your cafe again. Both the quality of the food and the beautiful presentation of the dish depend on the chef. When hiring an employee as a cook, be sure to ask him to cook something.

A dishwasher should also be on your staff, but if the establishment is small, you can combine these positions in one person.

Cafe classification

The type, location, material and technical equipment, nature and volume of services provided by a catering establishment are the components that influence the cafe categories: luxury, highest, first, second and third. The general type of cafe is characterized by the highest, first and second; the first and second ones are classified as specialized cafes; luxury bars have the highest, first and second categories.

  • Bars included in the luxury category are distinguished by the unique character of the building and premises, the maximum level of comfort. Manufacturing of equipment, furniture and utensils is carried out according to individual orders.
  • The highest category includes cafes and bars, the level of service of which is very high; this category is characterized by the complexity of the range of prepared products, high-class interior design and modern technical equipment.
  • The first category is available for cafes, kebab shops, wine and beer bars, and cocktail bars.
  • The second category of enterprises is assigned to general and dietary canteens, dumplings, and dairy cafes.
  • The third category is typical for canteens, buffets, and other types of enterprises that are located on the territory of production facilities and institutions; their services are used by workers, students, etc.

Let us dwell in detail on each of the types.

Cafe (fast food)

The city cafe has become widespread due to its accessibility; you can have a snack here quickly and inexpensively. The menu is distinguished by an abundance of fast food dishes; semi-finished products are the basis of the assortment.

On average, a person spends about 100 rubles on lunch. The strongest drink is usually beer.

Free flow

This type of enterprise is classified as medium level. Home cooking is an advantage. The average bill is 150 – 300 rubles. In a cafe, the visitor is offered not a heated, but a fresh dish, and it is prepared in front of him. The list of drinks and alcohol-containing products here is more extensive.

Catering establishments "based on the main course"

Includes pizzerias, steakhouses. The basis of the menu of such enterprises is one dish prepared using different ingredients and fillers. Side dishes and appetizers are considered additions. The number of soups is minimal. Service is both independent and waiter. The average bill is 300-400 rubles.


The advantage of these establishments is the expanded alcohol and cocktail range. As a rule, the bar counter is in the center of the room, with special high “bar” stools located next to it. The cuisine assortment includes small quantities of hot and cold appetizers; there are no soups on the menu. The presence of a stylish interior - for example, high-tech or underground, with low lighting. The room is divided into several soft, quiet zones.

Wine and cocktail bars

What sets them apart is the serving of fruit with wines and mixed drinks; the menu includes confectionery and special snacks. Bartenders and waiters provide service.

Disco bars

During the day, their activities are carried out as an ordinary cafe; in the evening, discos are held here. Menu: a large assortment of sandwiches and pastries, ice cream is a must. The design of the disco bar hall should be modern, special attention should be taken when choosing lighting and backlighting. Mandatory elements of equipment for such a bar are the presence of powerful musical equipment, video recorders, and equipment for creating lighting effects.


Most often they are used as auxiliary catering points, located on the territory of entertainment and educational institutions, train stations, cinemas, and hotels. The assortment is minimal - drinks, sandwiches, ice cream.

Catering establishments “by method of preparation”


For the most part, these are cozy, elegantly decorated establishments with 20-50 seats. Designed for a wide range of guests. The visitor can choose either a cup of coffee or a full meal, including alcohol or a glass of beer. The assortment is a classic set of mixed cuisine dishes. The interior has a certain style, which is emphasized in everything, including small details. The average bill is 400-500 rubles.

coffee house

This type of cafe comes from Europe and has taken root well in Russia. There is a large selection of different types of natural coffee, and the dessert menu is extensive. The wine list features an abundance of liqueurs and dessert wines.

In conclusion, I would like to add a few words about the atmosphere of the establishment. The kindness and warm, cozy atmosphere you create in the cafe will guarantee that the visitor, feeling your attitude towards him, will become your regular customer. Your enterprise will definitely be successful, provided that the basic recommendations are followed.

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A step-by-step guide and expert advice for those who are planning to open a cafe, but have no idea where to start, how to decide on a concept, choose a premises, get a guaranteed flow of visitors and conduct an effective advertising campaign.

Opening your own cafe is a profitable business, but difficult and financially expensive. Here it is necessary to take into account a large number of factors on which the success of the business will depend. This applies to both the choice of location and the concept of the cafe. And opening such an establishment can cost about $100,000 plus $20,000 in monthly expenses.

The main advantage of the cafe is that it is a universal establishment. People go there to eat at lunchtime, relax with friends on a day off, or celebrate some significant event. Accordingly, the cafe menu should be varied and in different price categories - unless, of course, the target audience is only wealthy people.

How to open a cafe, what is needed for this and what main factors should be taken into account will be discussed in detail in this article.

Basic steps to start a business

In order to open a successful and profitable cafe, an entrepreneur will need to go through 9 basic steps.

  1. Register the business and complete the necessary package of documents.
  2. Find a suitable premises, buy it or rent it.
  3. Decide on the interior of the establishment, its style, design, concept, as well as renovate the premises and buy furniture.
  4. Purchase all the necessary equipment for the staff and visitors of the cafe.
  5. Decide on staffing.
  6. Create a menu and cocktail menu.
  7. Purchase the necessary products.
  8. Conduct an advertising campaign.
  9. Organize the grand opening of the cafe.

Each step requires attention and a lot of time. In some cases, you will have to additionally involve individual specialists, since some tasks will be difficult to complete on your own.

To get started successfully, you need to consider the following marketing decisions. First, think over a voice presentation - a 36-second message that will tell you for whom, why and why this establishment is opening and what competitive advantages your cafe has or will have so that people come to you. This will become the company’s mission and its raison d’être.

Galina Sagitova – marketer

To competently create a menu and cocktail menu, it is worth hiring an experienced chef. Therefore, even before the cafe opens, it is better to find it.

The most important steps will be discussed in more detail below.

Cafe registration

You can register a business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Which form is better to choose can only be found out by comparing their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of individual entrepreneurs

Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  • Quick registration (within 5 days) and a minimum package of documents for it.
  • Small financial investment for registration - only 800 rubles.
  • Possibility of working under a simplified taxation system.
  • All income belongs to the individual entrepreneur.
  • There are no mandatory accounting reports (you can do your own accounting).

Disadvantages of IP:

  • It is not possible to obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages.
  • Fixed contributions to extra-budgetary funds (for example, a pension fund).
  • The entrepreneur is independently responsible for the obligations with all his property (i.e., in bankruptcy, the property is confiscated).
  • Investors do not support the businesses of individual entrepreneurs.

Advantages and disadvantages of LLC

The advantages of LLC are as follows:

  • There is no risk of losing all your property in case of bankruptcy.
  • There are no fixed contributions to extra-budgetary funds.
  • The ability to cover past losses with current profits (IP does not provide for this).
  • Business support from investors (if necessary).
  • You can obtain a license for the supply and sale of alcoholic beverages.

Among the disadvantages of LLCs, it is worth highlighting:

  • Complicated registration process and the need to collect a large package of documents.
  • Availability of authorized capital (from one hundred times the minimum salary).
  • The need for mandatory accounting reporting.

From all of the above, we can conclude that it is better to register a cafe as an LLC, since this form is most suitable for this business. However, what to choose, an individual entrepreneur or an LLC, is decided by the person himself.

And regardless of which form of management was chosen, after registration you need to receive several more documents:

  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor to place a cafe in rented or purchased premises.
  • Permission from the fire inspectorate.
  • A document confirming the establishment’s compliance with sanitary standards (issued by the SES).
  • License for retail trade (valid for 12 months) and, if necessary, for the sale of alcoholic beverages.
  • Activity patent (issued by local governments of the region in which trading activities are carried out).

Moreover, before the cafe actually starts operating, it is necessary to notify Rospotrebnadzor in writing about the start of the establishment’s activities. This requirement is mandatory (regulated by Federal Law No. 294 and in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 584).

You need to notify Rospotrebnadzor again if for some reason the place of residence of an individual entrepreneur or the location of a cafe changes.

Cafe location

Choosing a place to locate an establishment is a very important point that requires comprehensive study.

First, when choosing a location, you need to take traffic into account. That is, how many people pass near the future cafe. Good traffic can be found near business centers, supermarkets, in the city center, at a bus or train station. Residential and densely populated areas should also be considered.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the chosen location. Study which establishments are located nearby, what they offer, in what range and at what prices. The collected information will help to offer future customers the best conditions, an attractive menu and an affordable pricing policy.

Thirdly, rent must also be taken into account. The profitability of the cafe depends on how much will be spent on the premises. Ideally, the premises should be owned - then costs will be reduced to a minimum and limited to utility bills.

The location of a cafe is a combination of factors that must be met in order for a coffee shop in a particular location to be profitable, in demand, interesting and enjoyable for the owner himself.

The fundamental factor is the traffic of solvent people who are able to purchase the product that the cafe offers and understand what kind of product it is. For example, you can compare the audience. For example, take a market in a village with a population of 50,000 and some shopping and entertainment center in the center of Moscow. These are completely two different audiences.

The second factor is knowledge about the product. If we are talking about a village market, where people think about instant coffee and nothing more, then, accordingly, the understanding of what to pay more for is less in people’s heads. If we talk about Moscow, then people there are already accustomed to this product and the potential that a person will actually buy a quality product is much higher and will pay more for it.

And the third is the number of people who can appear in this place. For example, before opening a new coffee shop, we study in detail the place where we want to locate it. We do a financial analysis of all factors that affect the profitability of a cafe located in a particular location. That is, firstly, we consider the traffic of people - how many people pass in 1 hour 2-5 steps from the facade of the cafe where it is planned to be located. This number must be at least 500 people, but often this number must be more than 1,000 people.

The next step is to analyze competitors. That is, we are looking at all those who are located somewhere near the place where it is planned to open a cafe.

This is how we make a forecast that allows us to determine the profitability of the cafe.

Alexander Voevodin is the founder of the international chain of coffee shops “My Coffee”

Rent of premises and its arrangement

Having decided to open a cafe, you need to decide whether the premises will be rented or purchased.

The rental option is suitable for those entrepreneurs who have a fairly limited budget and do not have the funds to purchase premises. And the second option is applicable only if there is money for the purchase.

It is important to take into account that no matter whether the premises are rented or owned, there will still be repair costs. After all, it must comply with all sanitary standards. Accordingly, it should have a separate kitchen, bathroom, wardrobe and meal room for staff, a warehouse equipped for storing food, etc.

If all the necessary communications and premises are available, then you can limit yourself to cosmetic repairs. But this also involves large costs.

Regarding repairs, it should be noted that you should not hire the first construction team you come across. You need to study several offers and choose one that suits the price, timing and quality. Otherwise, you may overpay the actual cost of repairs.

You also need to understand that in case of repairs in a rental premises there is always a risk. It lies in the fact that if some kind of conflict or unforeseen situation occurs with the landlord and you have to look for a new premises, then with a high degree of probability no one will return the money for the paid repairs. Therefore, we must try to invest the minimum in repairs, but not sacrifice its quality.

Before making repairs, remodeling premises, or installing various communications, it is advisable to visit the fire inspectorate and SES to consult on a particular issue. This will guarantee that the cafe will pass any inspection by the mentioned authorities and will comply with all current regulations and GOSTs.

What equipment is needed for a cafe?

The list of equipment for the establishment is quite extensive. However, it is not a fact that everything listed below will be needed in a particular case. After all, each establishment is individual, as is its menu, as well as the concept as a whole.

Equipment you will have to buy:

  • Electric kettle, coffee machine and microwave.
  • Electric stove for cooking.
  • Water heater (useful for washing dishes during hot water outages).
  • Refrigerators for storing food and drinks (most often, suppliers of beer or drinks provide refrigerators for storing them free of charge).
  • Boxes for storing vegetables and fruits.
  • Deep fryer for preparing dishes such as French fries, fried wings, etc.
  • Pancake maker for making pancakes.
  • Tables, chairs and sinks.
  • Equipment for draft drinks (beer, kvass, mead, etc.) and a shaker for making cocktails.
  • Kitchen electric scales.
  • Hoods (for the kitchen) and air conditioners (for the hall).
  • Food trays and utensils.
  • Cutting boards, frying pans, pots, knives and other kitchen utensils necessary for preparing dishes.
  • Musical equipment for the hall.
  • Cash register, safe, calculator and other necessary office supplies.
  • Computer and printer for the cafe administration for maintaining reporting documentation and accounting.

The list presented is not exhaustive. Each establishment has different equipment. Therefore, you need to focus solely on the menu and the scale of the cafe itself.

To choose the right equipment for your kitchen, you should hire an experienced chef. And to arrange a hall for visitors, it would not be a bad idea to invite a designer or restaurateur with experience.

Menu and cocktail card

It is extremely difficult to give any specific recommendations on the menu of the future cafe. And in general terms it’s hard to recommend anything. After all, each owner of such an establishment independently decides what will be offered to visitors. The main thing when drawing up a menu is to be guided by GOST R5076-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises".

In general terms, it is desirable that the menu include several traditional dishes known to domestic consumers. There must be salads, both with and without meat. Hot dogs, hamburgers, sandwiches are also better to include in the menu.

Don't ignore fresh baked goods, hot dishes, desserts, teas and coffee. The range of drinks should be varied - from traditional “Colla” to alcoholic cocktails.

The menu must have several types of ice cream. Especially in the spring and summer.

In general, it is quite simple to understand what menu should be offered to visitors. It is enough to study it from competitors and offer customers something better or even the same thing, but at different prices or with some nice addition.

Advertising campaign and grand opening

1-2 weeks before the opening of the cafe, it is necessary to launch a powerful advertising campaign to interest as many people as possible. To do this, you need to use all available tools:

  • Distributing leaflets and posting advertisements.
  • Advertise on local radio, television and print media.
  • Advertising in public transport and at bus stops in nearby areas.
  • Advertising on the Internet using your own website, contextual or targeted advertising, social networks and local web portals.
  • Advertising in cinemas, nightclubs and other entertainment venues.
  • etc.

That is, there are a huge number of options. And with their help you can attract the attention of a large audience of people who will come to the opening of the cafe.

On the opening day, it would be a good idea to hold a concert in the cafe or near it with various artists (you can even have local theatergoers, singers and comedians). Give visitors gifts and offer something special. A competition whose prize will be a certificate for the Nth amount of money or something material can attract a lot of attention.

From all of the above, it is clear that opening a cafe is difficult, time-consuming and expensive. And if these difficulties discourage all desire, then, as an option, you can or. However, all the effort, time and money spent will pay off very quickly. The main thing at the initial stage is to draw up a clear business plan and competently organize your future business.

With the right approach, opening a cafe from scratch is a great business idea. In order for the invested amount of money to bring the expected return, it is important to take into account all the nuances of the chosen area and think through the details - from choosing a place to buy or rent to obtaining the consent of inspection services to open an establishment.

The first stage of opening a cafe from scratch is registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC

Conducting commercial activities is impossible without registering yourself as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or establishing a company (for example, a limited liability company).

The process of registering an individual entrepreneur is simpler and faster than organizing a full-fledged company.

When establishing a company in the form of an LLC, it will be necessary to spend more time on creating a package of documents required for registration, consisting, in particular, of:

  • orders to hire the general director and accountant or formalized consent to perform their duties by one person;
  • decisions of the founders to create a company;
  • agreement on the rental or purchase of premises, the address of which will be indicated as the legal address;
  • charter and others.

When organizing an LLC, you will definitely need to create a constituent fund; its minimum size is now 10 thousand rubles.

To correctly generate reports, it is important to initially correctly determine the OKVED code. For a cafe, the main number will be 55.30, the accompanying numbers will be 52.63 and 52.25.

You should definitely notify Rospotrebnadzor about plans to open a point. Otherwise, the owner may face a fine.

Licensing activities and choosing a system for paying taxes

To open a cafe, you do not need a license. The only exception is obtaining a permit to sell alcoholic beverages and/or tobacco products. Without a license, you can only serve beer to visitors.

For taxation, individual entrepreneurs can use the simplified tax system, the patent system or UTII. Organizations have access to only UTII and simplified tax system.

There are limitations for each system:

  • the patent system can only be applied when the number of staff is up to 15 people and the total area of ​​the establishment is up to 50 square meters;
  • UTII is applied only with the permission of the regional authorities and with a point area of ​​no more than 150 square meters;
  • The simplified tax system can be used with a total profit of up to 60 million rubles for the tax period and an average number of employees of up to 100 people.

To open your own cafe from scratch, analysts recommend using the simplified tax system in the form of “income minus expenses.” But to avoid making the wrong choice, it makes sense to consult with an accountant or tax specialist.

How to open a cafe from scratch - step-by-step instructions

For a business idea to be successfully implemented, you need to understand what it takes to open a cafe from scratch. It is recommended to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Selecting an area for location.
  2. Searching for premises to rent or buy.
  3. Purchase of equipment.
  4. Arrangement of the facility.
  5. Obtaining the necessary permits to open a cafe
  6. Search and hiring of workers.
  7. Menu creation and marketing activities.

Each of the above points must be considered separately.

Determining the area to open a cafe

Without the right choice of location for a cafe, a business will not be effective.

You can successfully open an establishment both in the city center and on its outskirts. Each option has its own advantages.

The cost of hiring or purchasing premises in the center is higher due to increased traffic. It is cheaper to buy or rent space on the periphery, but due to low client flow, profits may also be lower.

When choosing an area, it is necessary to take into account its specifics. For example, it is best to open a cafe in a densely populated area and with minimal presence of competitors.

Selecting a specific room

First of all, you need to decide whether the area will be rented or owned.

When concluding a contract and renting a premises, the initial cost of opening a cafe will be lower, but you will have to pay rent regularly.

Purchasing property also has a negative side - if the business idea is not successful, then you will need to spend time selling the premises. And if the market situation changes, then you can lose money on fluctuations in the value of the property.

The best option is to rent space with the option to buy it if the chosen business idea is effectively implemented.

Regardless of which option is chosen, when searching for an object, you should focus on the following parameters:

  • size of the room - it is necessary to select the area for the planned volume of business, taking into account that you need to fit a hall for visitors, a bar, a kitchen, utility rooms and storage rooms;
  • trafficability - you need to evaluate not only the pedestrian traffic of potential visitors, but also the automobile traffic;
  • the location of the entrance is optimal if the door is from the street, and not from the yard or the depths of the house;
  • visual characteristics - high ceilings, large windows, high-quality ventilation and spacious rooms will make the chosen establishment attractive to visitors.

For effective business implementation, it is also desirable that the premises be located on the ground floor, and the windows overlook a visually attractive location. Preference should be given to objects that are located at the intersection of streets.

Equipment purchase

To get started you will need the following equipment:

  • mixer;
  • fridge;
  • freezer;
  • oven;
  • baking equipment;
  • coffee machine.

Depending on the specifics of a particular business, additional equipment may be required. It can be purchased in addition after the establishment is open. But it’s better to think through and purchase all the equipment in advance.

To reduce costs when starting a business, you can rent equipment with the option of subsequent purchase.

Repair and arrangement of the facility

The satisfaction of visitors with visiting the establishment depends on how well the repairs are made in terms of fire and sanitary and epidemiological safety and on the effectiveness of the design of the premises. Otherwise, you can not only lose real and potential clients, but also be refused approval by inspection authorities.

It is better to entrust the interior arrangement to professional designers - an expert approach will increase the return on business.

Obtaining permits

For the full operation of an open establishment, it is necessary to obtain approval from the inspection authorities:

  • permission from the fire inspectorate;
  • a conclusion from a representative of Rospotrebnadzor confirming the point’s compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards;
  • consent to opening from the Administration;
  • permission to place external advertising;
  • license for tobacco and alcohol (if necessary);
  • coordination with the police authorities for the installation of a signal button.

The most difficult thing is to get consent from Rospotrebnadzor. To open a point, it is necessary to establish disinfection and garbage removal procedures in accordance with standards, organize drainage, enter into an agreement for laundry services, etc.

Before purchasing premises or concluding a lease agreement, it is necessary to check the point for compliance with the requirements - it is possible that the costs of bringing it into compliance with the standards will be unreasonably high.

Recruitment and employment of personnel

  • 2 cooks;
  • 2 bartenders;
  • administrator;
  • 2 waiters.

At first, it is possible to combine positions, for example, assigning cleaning responsibilities to the administrator. The determination of the number of employees is influenced by the operating mode, its type, potential and actual workload of visitors.

Menu creation and promotions

Before you finally open an establishment, it is important to think through the menu. It is necessary to include dishes that can be prepared quickly - visitors do not have to wait long. At the same time, it is generally worth using ingredients that can be stored for a long time - at the beginning of doing business there may not be the desired flow of customers.

To attract potential visitors, it is advisable to carry out a number of promotions - make every fifth order free of charge, introduce discounts when applying by recommendation, develop a bonus system. It is important that the activities carried out ensure the flow of customers, but do not reduce the final profit.

How much does it cost to open a cafe from scratch?

Before implementing a planned project, you should understand the costs of opening it. All costs can be divided into one-time and permanent.

Expenses that need to be taken into account when starting a business include expenses for:

  • purchasing equipment;
  • purchase of furniture and consumables (tablecloths, dishes, cutlery and others);
  • renovation and design;
  • ordering and installation of signs and outdoor advertising;
  • acquisition of premises (if it is not rented).

Regular expenses are considered:

  • purchasing products;
  • employee remuneration;
  • payment of rent and/or utility fees;
  • tax and insurance deductions.

The lists are approximate. Before opening an establishment of one type or another, it is important to think through and calculate all possible costs.

To determine the cost of opening a cafe from scratch, you definitely need to make a list of costs for implementing your current business idea. The cost of the project depends on all the factors discussed above - the location and size of the point, the profile of the establishment, the amount of necessary repair and design work, and so on.

To open a medium-sized establishment designed for 20 people, you will have to initially spend 500-900 thousand rubles, then the costs will be about 350-380 thousand rubles per month. The return from a point with 50 clients per day with an average bill of 400 rubles will be 600 thousand rubles.


Opening a cafe is a good business idea if organized correctly. The project does not require particularly large costs or capital investments, and its payback period for efficient operation is less than 1 year. During this period, a pool of regular customers will be formed, which will make it possible to turn the business into a source of passive income with minimal participation of the founder.

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Entrepreneur's choice- open a restaurant yourself or use the service " Full construction» from a third party. Specialized companies help organize business in the HoReCa sector. They take care of documentation, design, and equipment selection. The process of launching a catering enterprise requires experience and a professional approach. And any delay means additional costs.

How to open a restaurant from scratch - a set of activities

Concept development - is based on an analysis of a number of factors. The target audience is identified. The format is selected according to it, the location of the object is taken into account. A concept is created consisting of three blocks:

  1. Idea is information for the guest that forms an idea of ​​the establishment. For themed restaurants, this is a legend - a real or fictional story. The marketing image defines the niche for the enterprise.
  2. Format - choose your “place” both by price category and method of service.
  3. Brand - name, marketing image, logo design.

Business planning - has three goals:

  1. Evaluation of a business project - taking into account the number of seats and determining the rate of return for each of them, restaurant occupancy rates, markups, seasonal factors.
  2. Action plan for opening an enterprise - updating cash flows, comparing sales figures, budget parameters and profitability indicators.
  3. Search for financial resources - own investments, lending, investing.

Room - when choosing, they are guided by the following conditions:

  1. Location - proximity to the center, office and shopping complexes, metro stations, passable streets and crowded places.
  2. Type - residential/non-residential, free use/catering, shopping center/detached.
  3. Number of floors - basement/basement, first/high-rise building.
  4. Condition and area - repair/redevelopment required, availability of communication networks, number of entrances, ceiling height.
  5. Power - increase if necessary.
  6. Price/legal conditions - rental conditions and price per square meter per year, possibility of contract extension.

Engineering and design - includes a complete package of drawings: architectural design, utilities, electricity, room layout. 3D visualization makes it possible to see all the nuances and evaluate the created idea in the room, and not on paper. Develop zoning of the hall and kitchen taking into account the ergonomics of the space. A technological project is a plan for the arrangement of furniture and equipment. It indicates the sequence of production processes, the flow of lines, and the traffic flow of the hall.

Restaurant equipment - delivery of equipment, utensils, inventory and furniture takes several months. The bar counter is made to order, which requires additional time. Therefore, requests for packaging are placed at the stage of writing the project.

Obtaining documentation for putting the facility into operation - the list is adjusted by regional legislation.

  1. Registration of a legal entity - certificate, charter of the enterprise, TIN, certificate from the statistics committee, certificate of registration with the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, opening a current account.
  2. Premises - legal document (rent/ownership), BTI approvals, permit for public catering.
  3. Cash register - passport, registration card, cash book with the seal of the Internal Revenue Service.
  4. Licenses for trade in food, alcohol and tobacco products.

Menu - unusual recipes will definitely interest customers. You can make a signature presentation of classic dishes, and they will be remembered by your guests. A smart move is to organize a master class for staff, where they will be trained in working with professional equipment. The assortment is developed in several stages.

  1. Preliminary assortment
  2. Tasting study, quality assessment
  3. Statement
  4. Technological development with photoset
  5. Creation of technological maps, costing maps, pricing
  6. Formation of PAR-list (purchase) and selection of suppliers
  7. Menu design
  8. Entering technological maps into the automation system to create dishes not included in the menu.
  1. Outdoor advertising (in transport, pillars, signs, signs) - placed in places where potential customers gather. Represents a specific route that will lead the guest to the restaurant.
  2. Internet advertising. The modern client is a network user. In the virtual space, the guest will read reviews and descriptions of the establishment. A well-designed website will also attract attention.
  3. Media and PR - radio advertising helps inform about entertainment programs and promotions. News feeds in print media form the image of the cafe.
  4. Printed (POS) materials - little things that inform and remind you of your restaurant: business cards, pens with a logo, flyers and booklets.
  5. Event marketing - internal events and loyalty programs.

How much does it cost to open a restaurant?

Without exception, all novice entrepreneurs are wondering about the cost of organizing a business in the HoReCa sector. The restaurant is characterized by a wide range of dishes and drinks and a high level of service. It is important to correspond to the status, because the contingent of the establishment is determined.

In the metropolis, the amount of financial investments is approximately thirty million rubles. Each case is individual and has its own price. It is determined by rent, the need for repairs and redevelopment, the work of designers and designers, the production cycle of the enterprise, and equipment. On average, a square meter of usable area costs $1000-1500. Let's look at the list of expenses. As an example, let’s take a restaurant with an area of ​​250 m² and 80 seats.

Expert business support (consulting)

  • Restaurant concept - 25-35 thousand rubles.
  • Business planning - 55-65 thousand rubles.
  • Assortment of dishes - from 500 rubles. for one position
  • Selection of premises
  • Recruitment and training of personnel - 10-20 thousand rubles.


  • Rent per year - 2.5 to 25 million rubles.
  • Complete design - RUB 162,500.
  • Full design - RUB 262,500.
  • Finishing - 375 thousand to 3 million 750 thousand rubles.

Restaurant equipment - RUB 3,407,234

  • Equipment (heating, refrigeration, electromechanical, neutral) - RUB 1,563,540.
  • Dishes (kitchen) - RUB 88,780.
  • Crockery (dining room, including knives and glasses) - RUB 323,210.
  • Inventory - RUB 42,263.
  • Serving items - RUB 178,503.
  • Chefs uniform - RUB 13,180.
  • Furniture - RUB 1,001,740.
  • Automation - depends on the selected program “1C: Restaurant”, R-Keeper, Iiko - 30 to 120 thousand rubles.

Brand promotion

  • Corporate identity - logo, business cards, menus and other printed materials - RUB 30,000.
  • Sign production - the price depends on the chosen design - roof installation, light box, LED sign, pylons, steles, etc.
  • Advertising - outdoor, interior, printed, media, BTL

Staff - must initially work on the project. The chef himself forms the team. The choice of equipment also often falls on his shoulders. The costs associated with the formation of wages grow in proportion to the profitability of the establishment and depend on the staffing table.

  • Chef - 50,000 rubles, with a name - from 10 thousand dollars.
  • Director - 100,000 rubles.
  • Manager - 50,000 rub.
  • Sous chef - 25,000 rub.
  • Cook - 18,000 rub.
  • Kitchen workers - 10,000 rubles.
  • Waiters, bartenders - 12,000 rubles.

There is no specific template to open a restaurant. Each individual case requires an individual approach. Organizing a business from scratch implies the presence of additional costs associated with obtaining permits and preparing the premises. However, this labor-intensive process in all respects can be eliminated. Use the service of a third party to launch a turnkey restaurant.

How to make money from a restaurant, bar, cafe

Seasonal factor

The peak period for establishments in the tourist center is April-September. Restaurants serving European cuisine, sushi bars and pizzerias win. You can earn income during the season if you follow the basic rules.

  • Menu - replace the standard map with offers with a small number of items within the concept. Entrust the function of promoting the “necessary” dishes to the waiters. The main thing is that the recommendations are not intrusive. Focus on low-cost food that is easy to prepare and quick to serve. As a result, kitchen work is simplified and customer service is accelerated. In addition, a compact menu helps manage inventory levels, minimize costs, and eliminate the appearance of a stop list.
  • Bar list - the growth of turnover determines the speed of sales, so it is better to replace complex cocktails, leaving a couple of bestsellers for regular customers.

It is necessary to serve tourists in 5-7 minutes. Otherwise, you risk losing clients, since the traveler does not have free time during the day.

Marketing to local residents

According to statistics, the lion's share of the establishment's regular customers live in close proximity to it. Therefore, the work strategy is focused on a specific area. There is no point in telling people about your cafe who, even if they come to you, will do so only out of curiosity. As a result, they will give preference to a bar close to home. Profit is generated from regular customers. Therefore, your task is to create an incentive to return. Loyalty cards still work. A good move is to organize themed evenings: literary, musical, gaming, corresponding to the idea of ​​the establishment. As a rule, owners of coffee shops and restaurants serving Italian or Mediterranean cuisine resort to such marketing tricks.

Storming costs

Any restaurant can fail. There are many reasons for this. We won't dwell on them. Let's see how to stay afloat and get out of a difficult situation.

Owners of beer bars, steakhouses, and fish restaurants, where the average bill is not affordable for everyone, sometimes face a drop in demand. The main thing is not to panic, to work systematically. First, fixed costs are analyzed. You can ask the landlord to reconsider the contract temporarily. If you resort to this practice once a year, unstable financial situations are eliminated.

Reduce product costs by splitting up suppliers. This will minimize the shortage of goods in the kitchen and will allow you to formulate a pricing policy. World practice shows the effectiveness of a small, manageable menu with the inclusion of seasonal products to control costs.

For example, if you are the owner of a FISH house, update the menu taking into account the catch of a particular fish. While maintaining top positions. This also applies to bakeries where fruit and berry pastries are present. In summer and autumn, products for filling are much cheaper, which helps to save money and create a material reserve in case of the low season.

A satisfied and regular customer is the result of the proper work of the restaurateur and his team. Follow the established rules, seek the help of professionals, and your business will become successful, sustainable and prosperous.

Now you know how to open a restaurant. If you have questions, write in the comments!