Pay-per-click teaser network. Banner networks are an effective promotion tool and additional income online. Banner networks with payment for impressions

06/26/2018 at 07:33

1179 0

Every webmaster, equally or later, comes to the moment of monetizing his site. This means you have already reached a certain level of traffic and decided to make money from your website. Affiliate programs are one of the best ways to make money on your website. Today we will look at the best pay per click affiliate programs.

For me, the best affiliate program is Google AdSense. Yes, this affiliate program has quite strict requirements for sites, but they pay very well. The calculation is made in dollars and payments are available on a bank card, for me these are the main criteria.

On good days My price for 1 click reaches 0.9$, and roughly speaking, this is 60 rubles, no one has such prices. Of course, the price will depend on the topic of your site, but in most cases this affiliate program pays more than any other.

Best Pay Per Click Affiliate Programs

Below we will look at pay-per-click affiliate programs; I collected this list from the entire Internet and selected only the best.

Advmaker - moderation rules are not as strict as in Google or Yandex, pays in rubles, moderation time is from 1 hour. Many advertising formats: banners, clickunder, video player and Sliding Banner. Payments are possible to all known payment systems, the minimum withdrawal is only 20 rubles.

It is possible to receive payment for impressions; you can find prices on this page.

Bodyclick is a popular affiliate program among both webmasters and advertisers. Not very demanding rules for sites, so if you are not confident in your site or do not have a lot of traffic, you can safely go here.

Advertising formats: teasers, banners and Clickunder. Payments are available on Webmoney wallet once a week, the minimum amount for payment is 100 rubles.

In order for your site to be accepted, you must have traffic of 50 people per day. It is also possible to set a minimum cost per click yourself, which means that ads below this cost will not be shown.

Adsmmgp is an affiliate program for financial-related sites. If your site is related to finance, you have a direct path to this affiliate program; sites related to SEO are also accepted.

Average cost per click is $0.15, site moderation up to 3 days, 2 advertising formats, teasers and context, payments to all possible payment systems, minimum withdrawal amount is $30.

TeaserNet is another popular affiliate program, many advertising formats, pay per click up to 1.5 rubles. The requirements for sites are minimal, you must have at least 50 visits per day and the site must be on a paid hosting, although there are exceptions for good sites; they can be accepted on any free hosting. is the least demanding affiliate program in my opinion, it accepts all sites, the advertising format is only one block of links, pay per click up to 1 ruble. After registration, I advise you to set the cost per click no more than 0.3 rubles.

In my opinion, these affiliate programs should be enough to choose from. We've reviewed the best pay-per-click affiliate programs, all you have to do is choose the one that's right for you and your website. Using these affiliate programs, you don’t have to worry about your money, all of the above affiliate programs are honest.

Bourgeois traffic is of increasing interest to those who are disappointed in making money on the Russian Internet. The mood swings are not as strong as those of a bitchy woman on PMS, and the market itself is quite stable. You don’t have to worry that today’s website monetization methods will be outdated by tonight. Therefore, foreign affiliate programs are quite interesting and in demand.

It’s a pity that normal and effective pay-per-click PPC solutions like Bizzclick, Daoclcik and the like have disappeared into thin air. But no normal alternatives appeared to them.

Now I want to go through those affiliate programs for traffic that work and pay in WebMoney. This payment system is the most familiar.


The first and main advertising system is the Affiliatecube CPA network. It contains a huge number of offers for any topic. On this foreign affiliate program you can earn money on loans, games, goods of any profile, dating, entertainment, adult, etc. Including there are many mobile offers with payment for installations.

The support is Russian-speaking and very friendly. What is important is that all questions in the FAQ are also presented in Russian. Some offers are not available, which will require increasing the Trust Level.

Conclusion – 100 vmz.


The most powerful foreign affiliate program for making money on adult traffic. New sites appear every day. It is important that there are resources on any topic other than those prosecuted by law. Including the ones most in demand among the import public.

You can drain traffic without your own website. Each paysite has its own set of promotional materials, sometimes quite impressive.
There is its own forum, but the thread on master-x is more lively.


This is one of the foreign adult traffic exchanges with decent volumes. Here you can both buy adult traffic and sell it. The most interesting offers for affiliate traders are listed at the top of the site.

You can top up your Avatraffic balance in several ways: PayPal, Paxum, Payoneer, Webmoney, eCoin and Wire Transfers.
There is a list of premium countries, traffic from which is preferential. The fees for it are higher.

For webmasters, the minimum withdrawal amount is 20 vmz.


Video chat affiliate program, also aimed at Russia. But, of course, the whole world accepts it. Rates are divided by country category. For registration of an active user, up to 4.5 vmz is awarded.

Bongacsh accepts both web and mobile traffic with registration fees.
Payments – from 200 vmz.


This is another affiliate program of a foreign traffic exchange. It is focused on general traffic, and you can buy both web and buy mobile traffic.
Propellerads admin panel in Russian.

Accepts formats:
  • 120x600 Skyscraper

  • 160x600 Wide Skyscraper

  • 468x60 Full Banner

  • 300x250 in video banners

  • Interstitials ads

  • Catfish ads

  • Slider ads

  • Layers

  • Pop-unders

  • Video pre-rolls

  • Site skins

Conclusion – 100 vmz.


Solution with payment for CPI installations from appstore and googleplay for Android and iOS traffic.

With wapempire you can earn very good money, because it contains over 2,500 offers for all countries of the world.
Russian support. Payments also go to EPESE, Webmoney, Paxum/Payoneer, Wire, PayPal, Ecoin
Conclusion – 50 vmz.


Affiliate program for foreign traffic in many popular verticals:

Health and beauty,
For men,

At the same time, dating is presented for all possible countries, both multi-geo and for each separately.

Smartlink! The most convenient tool for dating - over 90 countries in automatic rotation.

TDS – yes.

Approv is very fast.

Support is Russian.


918 offers on all top topics that are in demand in the bourgeois internet when making money on sites.

mobile apps,

Geographical coverage – all, even the smallest, European countries. Plus the USA, South America, partly Asia.

There are offers with multigeo.

Lots of useful, beautiful landing pages.

Support is Russian speaking.

Payment systems: WebMoney, Paxum, Wire, EPayments.

Minimum fee - $50 - on request.


Adult traffic with 100% monetization - the iMonetizeIt affiliate program completely expands it across all thematic offers and geography.

Works with all countries of the world: desktop, mobile adult traffic - wi-fi and 3G.

There are two verticals: dating and adult video.

Drain formats:

Mobile redirect,

Support – Russian speaking

Payouts: Net 15.

Payment systems: Webmoney, Paypl, Paxum, ePayments, Wire.


One of the most stable foreign affiliate programs with payment for CPI installations. Accepts ALL countries of the world, including Russia.

Payment is made for installing white software - blocking annoying ads. This software is very popular. And it gives you the opportunity to make money on the Internet on it. Many software support languages.

And you can make money with Adguard even without your own website.

Withdrawal – 100 rubles – upon request once a week.


A powerful system where offers are available in ALL verticals. And if you don’t want a tedious approval process in bourgeois systems with mandatory dialing and a bunch of questions, start your work at Bizzprofits.

Adult Dating
Binary Options
Biz Opp
Colon Cleanse
Diet & Weight loss
Health & Beauty
Internet, Web, & Tech
LifeStyle and Recreation
Mobile Apps
Mobile Content
Mobile Games
Muscle, Fitness
Pin Submits
Sexual Health
Teeth Whitening

Support is Russian.

Payment systems: Webmoney, Paxum, Wire.

The minimum withdrawal amount is $100.


Direct competitor of the previous affiliate program. He also pays for installations of his software. Suitable for monetizing music portals, download sites, movies and the like.

The rate for the USA is 1.50 vmz, UK – 0.50, Germany – 0.30 vmz and so on.
Payments – 20 vmz. They pay perinstallbucks, including PayPal, Paxum, Payza, Webmoney, wire.



Over 12,000 offers on all possible topics, including Pay per call, Lottery, Coupons, Sweepstakes and so on.
On average, about 100 offers are added every week, give or take.

Plus, it is also a powerful pay-per-install solution. They take file traffic from all countries of the world and operating systems.
They provide a direct download link (the user clicks on the banner, and the installer offers to download the file in the same browser window).
Payment – ​​50 vmz. Webmoney, Epayments, Epese and Paypal.



The bourgeois casino affiliate program with payments on WebMoney will be useful to many. Takes all countries except the USA, Bulgaria and Israel.

Works in Gamblingattack format Revshare 50%, as well as CPA.
There are only 3 casinos.
Conclusion – 2 vmz.


Gaming affiliate program for all countries of the world.

Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it includes offers in 75 countries.

There are closed ones, connected through support. I recommend contacting them.

Formats: SOI and DOI, that is, with and without confirmation of registration by mail.

Support is Russian.

The minimum amount is 50 euros.


The affiliate program for foreign traffic payday loans Zeroparallel is designed to monetize funds for US financial leads. Because it is US payday loan leads that arouse the greatest interest among citizens of this country and, accordingly, allow them to earn money in the bourgeoisie with maximum profit on fast loans or instant loans, as they are also called.

The demand for such solutions is huge, so the price per lead can reach up to $220. The average lead is about $30, which in itself is quite impressive.

They pay earnings from payday loans Zeroparalell twice a month with a minimum wage of 100 WMZ to almost all existing payment systems.


Affiliate program for foreign mobile and desktop traffic - “one link - all traffic”.

The link is generated in 3 clicks and placed on websites or roads.

The minimum withdrawal amount is 50 vmz.

Payment systems: webmoney, Wire, Visa, Paxum, EPESE, ePayments.

The solution is now part of the unified WAPEMPIRE platform


A great adult traffic exchange, both desktop and mobile, works with all countries of the world. The announced volume in the system is over 6 million unique items.

The support here is Russian-speaking. All issues are quickly resolved via Skype.

You can buy adult traffic from Royalads from 0.04 cents per click.

Various ways to replenish the balance in the advertiser’s account, including WebMoney. Maximum types of targeting.

For webmasters - excellent conditions, I would even say - the best conditions in an affiliate program. You can withdraw your earned money from the Royalads traffic exchange using: minimum wage of 5 vmz - on request.

In this case, payments are made for clicking on a banner, text ad or document. Systems using this method are called PPC systems or banners.

Cost per click- CPC or cost per click - the monetary equivalent that the advertiser pays to search engines or other sites for transitions. In other cases, it is the amount the user receives when they click on the ad.

When determining the price, two main models are used:

  • Bid-Based PPC, in which the cost is formed according to the principle of an auction, and advertisers compete with each other to acquire the best place at the lowest possible cost.
  • Flat-Rate PPC, in the case of which the cost is negotiated initially and remains stable.

Formation of cost per click

The cost per click is influenced by many factors:

  • Subject of the project and keywords;
  • The level of competition, which depends on the field of activity, the popularity of the industry and other external factors;
  • Geotargeting, because the presence of geographic reference to certain regions also affects the market situation;
  • The quality of the advertisement, which includes relevance and other internal characteristics;
  • Time the ad was shown, including time of day, week and year;
  • The location of the advertisement, the cost of which increases along with the improvement of positions;
  • Quality, internal behavioral factors, audience characteristics.

Payment schemes for advertising

Although pay-per-click sites are becoming increasingly popular, there are other popular schemes that are worth researching in advance to make the right choice.

  • Pay per click;
  • Payment for impressions;
  • Payment for leads.

Each model has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. All of them remain relevant and are used when planning effective marketing strategies.

To implement choice must take into account the characteristics of a particular situation, as well as assess the circumstances and risks.

  • Pay per click (CPC)

    This is exactly how many popular services work.

    This is the best option for attracting target. The advertiser ensures the attractiveness of the ad, and the sites ensure its effective placement.

    Among the disadvantages For such a campaign there is high competition, which increases the cost per click. In addition, even targeted traffic does not guarantee a site high traffic.

    For maximum efficiency, this model requires constant process and cost control.

  • Pay per impression (CPM)

    The CPM model cannot give a 100% guarantee of increased traffic, but it is excellent helps increase recognition brand or product. Advertisers only need to choose wisely reliable and popular thematic platforms.

    Maximum efficiency can be achieved by combining different models. In particular - payment for impressions And pay per click. This allows you to more rationally distribute risks and resources to achieve optimal results.

    Most often, this scheme is used by recognizable brands that place their banners on industry platforms. If such ads attract enough attention, then pay-per-click sites become optional.

    Pay per lead (CPA)

    The CPA model involves payment for certain actions performed by users. Each advertiser determines the specifics of their actions independently. Most often this is:

  • Registration;
  • Filling out the form;
  • Taking surveys;
  • Placing orders;
  • Subscribe to ;
  • Jump to a specific page and much more.

The main problem with this method is the high cost of leads, as well as insufficiently effective work for the brand. It is best to combine this scheme with other analogues.

Choosing the optimal scheme

It is easy to see that each scheme has its own advantages. When choosing a model, a marketer must fully understand which option will provide the optimal result at the optimal cost.

In most cases it is Pay per click is a universal solution. This is a reliable and easy to predict scheme that combines well with other marketing tools.

The best affiliate programs are pay-per-clicks. suitable for:

  • Ads on search networks;
  • Advertising on non-specialized general portals;
  • New advertising campaigns;
  • Remarketing

Earnings from clicks

The CPC system is of interest not only to advertisers, but also to network users interested in making money online. Pay-per-click affiliate program and other similar solutions - one of the simplest ways to acquire a stable source of income.

There are many specialized platforms on which advertisers place their ads. Accordingly, they are interested in purchasing transitions.

More often money is paid for:

  • Browsing websites, which requires opening a page, and sometimes waiting a few seconds before closing it;
  • Complete other tasks that vary widely.

Income amount depends on several factors. Two schemes are popular:

  • Earnings without investment.
  • Investing in the creation of your own project, for example, a large affiliate program with pay-per-clicks. the network provides passive income with an unlimited upper limit.

With a competent approach and active work, working on clicks can become highly profitable and promising, while remaining as simple as possible. No special knowledge, skills or education are required here: it’s enough just to understand the peculiarities of the market.

Most systems offer quick earnings, allowing you to regularly withdraw money. Some have restrictions on the minimum limit or frequency of payments. It is important to familiarize yourself with the conditions of a specific project in advance.

Click Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs require cooperation between advertisers and webmasters and users. The creators of such projects receive their percentage of sales or total profits, and the participants receive a constant source of income.

Affiliate program - mutually beneficial scheme, which explains their popularity. There are also different payment models, among which pay-per-clicks occupies a special place.

Among benefits such a solution:

  • Narrow, allowing you to focus exclusively on the target audience;
  • Transparency for all parties involved, because clicks are easily counted, and the results are demonstrated by statistics;
  • Quick results that are easy to achieve with proper program development;
  • Audience opportunity, the results of which will help in developing a marketing campaign and planning other activities.

Leading position in the CPC market occupy the largest affiliate programs, including Google AdWords, MSN AdCenter, Yahoo and. There are also many less significant projects, most of which relate to financial or gaming traffic.

A wide range and high competition allow you to choose the optimal solution for every taste.

First of all, you need to get reliable and secure mailbox. Any affiliate program, clicks, advertising platform or other project requires registration.

It is better to immediately create an email that does not have problems with confidentiality, security and receiving activation letters or other materials.

It is also necessary to acquire electronic wallet. The Webmoney system is popular, which allows you to quickly and easily make payments and withdraw funds.

It is better to register only in reliable and proven projects, which have a good reputation and a long lifespan. This will allow you to avoid confrontations with scammers, and also not to worry about the timeliness and completeness of payments.

You should not register in a large number of programs at once. It is better to start getting accustomed to the market gradually and gradually increase the number of partners and projects.

It's important to be patient and devote more time to work, especially at first. Gradually, income will increase, and the amount of time and effort spent will decrease.

07/02/15 5.7K

The problem of traffic sooner or later affects every website owner. An effective advertising campaign will help solve it. It may consist of the following parts: registration of the site in search engines, directories and banner networks:

Banner networks - what is it and why are they needed?

Banner networks are designed to automate the process of exchanging banners. Representing a set of sites with a single center and special software, the network provides users with places to place a banner. Each participant provides other users (advertisers) with space to place their advertisements on their website. Over time, the participant’s rating points increase, proportional to the displayed other people’s banners, due to which their material can be shown on other resources related to this network.

The banner network retains commissions. For example, if you have shown other people's banners 1000 times, then you can show your own banner 850 times. The income of the banner network in this case is 15%. Impressions paid for by the advertiser are also used to display paid advertising.

If your resource is visited by approximately 50 users per day, and each of them visits 5 pages, you get 250 impressions minus%. Networks may charge a 10-20% commission on impressions. 200 impressions are released. The average CTR is 1-2%.

You can increase this indicator if you register in 2-3 banner networks at once, which make it possible to display materials of different sizes. The number of additional visits may increase to 6-12 per day ( if initially you had 50 people):

Owners of resources related to mobile topics should pay attention to the profitable program offered by a mobile banner network such as Mobn. Participants can be IT and cellular information portals, gadget services and other resources closely related to mobile technologies. The advantages of the system include professional banners, flexible setup of an advertising campaign, zero commission for impressions:

Banner networks - advantages and disadvantages

Its undeniable advantages include:

  • Possibility of free advertising (banner exchange);
  • Significant audience coverage. There are thousands of partner sites in banner networks ( advertising platforms). They combine them and give them the opportunity to mix their materials. With a reasonable volume of impressions, banners do not burn out;
  • Wide possibilities in advertising visualization. In this matter, even Google AdWords with its graphic advertising is inferior to banner advertising;
  • Excellent options for focusing impressions, targeting by site categories, geography, days of the week, time and number of impressions, operating system types, browsers, providers, etc. The effectiveness of banner impressions largely depends on how carefully you configure your targeting parameters. It is worth considering that some networks charge a fee for certain targeting parameters;
  • Banners are automatically placed on resources of related topics. There is more time left for analyzing the displayed banners and collecting statistics. In the future, you will be able to submit the most effective banners for moderation;
  • Impressive control capabilities. If desired, an advertising campaign can be canceled if it does not produce the expected results. You can also increase or decrease the duration of promotional events:
However, banner networks also have disadvantages:
  • Campaigners use up their advertising space;
  • Advertising on your resource may be sold without your knowledge. For example, a competitor’s advertisement may appear on your website;
  • Displaying banners of undesirable quality.

Banner networks with payment for impressions

Working in pay-per-impression networks allows you to receive passive income that does not require active actions on the part of resource visitors. Payment is made for adding banner advertising to the site.

The earnings that pay-per-impression banner networks provide depend on the rating of your blog or website and placement (the top location is more expensive than the bottom). On average, paid banner impressions cost $2 per 1,000 impressions. Today, one of the best banner exchanges is. There is the ability to configure by section of the site, time, geography, frequency of advertising contact, as well as manage placement parameters, including the cost of impression and click.

The real monster of the advertising industry among the Russian-speaking audience of the network is Yandex banner network. However, unlike Google AdSense, only a resource that has at least 300 unique visitors daily can become a member ( The average for the last month is taken into account):

Pay-per-click banner networks

A high-quality resource can make good money from banner advertising with pay-per-click (CPC). Compared to other partners, it has several advantages:

  • Interactive beautiful banners enliven the site and do not take up much space;
  • Users click on banners much more often than on other types of advertising, such as teasers or contextual ads.

Here is a list of popular banner networks:

  • AdScape. An excellent option for paying for clicks and impressions. Attracts a significant number of sites and advertisers. The minimum amount for payments is 300 rubles;
  • PR RE. A good gaming banner network with attractive large formats, high-quality traffic and stable impressions. Supports payment for clicks and impressions;
  • A well-known system that offers a variety of pay-per-click advertising formats ( banners, text blocks, teasers, news blocks, search forms).

One of the most popular banner advertising networks is Nightingale. It includes more than 3,000 sites and 30 million users. Precise focus provides 90 ready-made consumer segments, the latest technologies and an impressive media space allow you to reach even the most unusual target audience. Solovey makes payments for leads, applications, purchases and other targeted actions:

Banner networks with impressions buyout

It would seem that participation in banner networks does not require financial investments - you display banners on your sites, and network members show your banners ( the system takes a certain commission). However, you are not immune from interruption of display or display of “bad” banners. If you do not want to see advertising on your resource, you can work with buying impressions. Moreover, this can be done both in the banner network itself and in the secondary market.

Purchasing impressions from the banner network itself will provide wider audience coverage and will allow you to successfully conduct an image campaign and customize impressions for selling advertising in more detail:

The effectiveness of banner advertising largely depends on the quality of the banner. A good banner should load quickly and have maximum extension. The effectiveness of animated banners is 25-30% higher than that of static banners. The presence of meaningful, attention-grabbing text also has a great influence on the attractiveness of such advertising. Don’t forget about the location of the banner.

09/15/15 8.7K

User movements are the engine of the Internet! Because all affiliate programs deployed on the World Wide Web “feed” on user actions. Don't believe me? Well, take pay-per-click affiliate programs as an example. After all, someone must “click” the mouse, otherwise none of its participants will earn money. But let's talk about everything in order:

Affiliate programs and user actions

All affiliate programs existing on the Internet, one way or another, work based on user actions. After all, the founder of the affiliate program pays all its participants precisely for the number of targeted actions.

Target action is an action performed by a user on the advertiser’s website, landing page using an advertising tool (banner, teaser, link, etc.). For this, the affiliate program participant receives a certain reward.

For example, consider an affiliate program with pay-per-clicks. In it, participants in the affiliate program most often receive money from advertisers for the number of transitions made by users through an advertising medium located on the site.

Most often, the quality of advertising placed on a website is assessed using CTR. This parameter is calculated as the ratio between the number of ad impressions and clicks on it. The higher this indicator, the more effective the advertising.

The most common targeted actions are views and clicks. But such affiliate programs have low efficiency ( for advertiser) and profitability ( for a site site). They especially do not justify themselves when promoting commercial resources specializing in online sales.

After all, a user going to a landing page and viewing its content does not provide any guarantee that he will buy any of the products offered. Therefore, commercial sites that sell goods and services via the Internet most often use pay-per-action affiliate programs, or CPA affiliates.

Cost Per Action – we pay only for results

CPA is one of the advertising payment models used on the Internet. Its peculiarity is that the advertiser pays only for certain user actions performed on the target site. For example, affiliate programs with payment for impressions. Thanks to this, CPA advertising is highly effective.

We can say that with the help of CPA affiliates, the advertiser buys an “end consumer” who has confirmed his interest in the advertised “product” by taking a targeted action.

  • For actions;
  • For contact details;
  • For a purchase.

The main goal that expanded CPA advertising should achieve is to create an effective targeted offer and “excite” the maximum degree of motivation among the site’s audience to perform a targeted action.

  • Banking institutions.
  • Online stores.
  • Hosting providers.
  • Real estate agencies.
  • Educational institutions.
  • Commercial healthcare.

CPA affiliates are divided among themselves depending on the target action, which is paid by the advertiser. A “mixed” payment model is also allowed, in which payment is made immediately for several actions performed by users (in various combinations):

Types of targeted actions, or what advertisers are willing to pay for:
  • Purchase of an advertised product (service) - this payment scheme is more typical for affiliate programs of online stores;
  • Registration on the target resource - this scheme is used when promoting information resources to increase the number of mailing list subscribers;
  • Filling out a questionnaire or application - this scheme is used on commercial sites;
  • User participation in voting - most often used when conducting sociological surveys or marketing research to monitor the coverage of the target audience, etc.;
  • Filling out the feedback form ( call back forms) – this targeted action is used by commercial resources, including some online stores;
  • Transition to a target site or landing page – most often the transition to the advertiser’s resource is paid for;
  • Per view – the most striking example is affiliate programs with pay-per-view video advertising;
  • We will look in more detail at the “proven options” of the main types of affiliate programs that are most often used ( meet on the Internet).

Proven pay-per-click affiliate programs

  • ClickCashMoney is an affiliate program that has been working on the Internet for a long time and is engaged in repurchasing traffic for the site ( be careful, strawberry theme). The terms of cooperation are not very demanding. Even redirecting traffic from doorways is allowed. A special feature of this affiliate program is that the cost per click depends on the geography of your site’s audience. You can earn the most from foreign users. The minimum amount for withdrawal is $10:

Overview of Pay Per Action Affiliate Programs

Here are a few proven options:

  • ADMITAD is a CPA network that combines a large number of affiliate programs. It has been working for several years now. Among the offered options, everyone will be able to find an option “for themselves”. However, having your own resource is not necessary. For example, here you can make good money on affiliate programs with a registration fee. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 300 rubles:
  • MIXMARKET is very similar to the previous network. It is also a catalog of various affiliate programs with payment for actions. But unlike ADMITAD, it has a more functional and thoughtful interface. The entire catalog of affiliate programs can be sorted by several parameters (price, conditions). In addition, the minimum withdrawal amount is only 50 rubles: